Weil es bei Erasmus um den Austausch zwischen europäischen Ländern geht, die unterschiedliche Sprachen sprechen – in unserem Fall kommen unsere Partnerschulen aus Spanien, Frankreich und Rumänien – sind die Posts auf dieser Seite in Englischer Sprache verfasst. Wer sich für unser Erasmus Projekt interessiert, der englischen Sprache aber nicht mächtig ist, kann sich die Posts von kostenlosen Programmen wie DeepL ganz einfach, schnell und unkompliziert via copy & paste übersetzen lassen.
The posts on this page are written in English because it is a common platform for our partners from Spain, France and Romania. If you are interested in our Erasmus project but do not speak English, you can have the posts translated by free programs like DeepL very easily, fast and uncomplicated via copy & paste.
We have often asked ourselves how other countries in Europe deal with One World issues and what solutions there might be locally. What does the educational work on this issue look like in schools and in civil society organizations? Therefore we applied for a small scale Erasmus+ partnership in October 2022.
The consequences of climate change are affecting people in the Global South more and more and result in famines and refugee movements. So far too little has been done to change the climate-damaging lifestyles in the rich industrialized nations. Nevertheless, more and more people are questioning their consumption style and the current economic system and are looking for solutions based on democratic participation and solidarity. That is why our joint project is entitled “Solidarity for a Better World“. The urgency of our mission is also shown by the current Living Planet Report 2024.
We even created our own Erasmus anthem in the course of this project.