Erasmus: Workshop “Solidarity”

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The aim of the workshop was to promote identification, empathy and solidarity with refugees. To get started, all participants chose a postcard that they associate with the topic of flight and explained their thoughts to the group.

The correct answers to a quiz on the situation of refugees in the countries of arrival, their rights and obligations there and on individual asylum laws often astounded the pupils. For example, that civil war is not a recognised reason for asylum.

Using a role play, the pupils were able to identify with the different situations of refugees, who have more or less privileges depending on their country of origin, skin colour or residence status. The unequal treatment was then discussed and solutions sought.

One approach to solving the problem centred on aid projects and fundraising campaigns. Various videos from aid organisations were analysed to understand the difference between solidarity and charity and the subordinate power relations that exist.

After the mental work, we were looking forward to the upcoming visit to the Monastery of Dragomirna.



All posts about the Erasmus project can be found here





erstellt am: 21.06.2024 von Julia Kabatas

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