
Erasmus: Workshop “Let’s cook together”

Posts über unser Erasmus-Projekt erscheinen in Englischer Sprache – Übersetzung? | Posts about our Erasmus project appear in English – Translation? New recipes usually arouse our curiosity and quickly provide topics for conversation. Such an exchange can be even more interesting if the different dishes are prepared and tried out together. Therefore a cooking workshop with recipes from the participating partner countries could not be missing in the program for our Erasmus guests. Peculiarities of the different cultures in terms […]

Erasmus: Solidary Agriculture in Blumenthal

Posts über unser Erasmus-Projekt erscheinen in Englischer Sprache – Übersetzung? | Posts about our Erasmus project appear in English – Translation? After attending the University of Augsburg, we went by bus to “Blumenthal“, a community devoted to sustainability, in the early afternoon of March 29. The Erasmus group was shown the beautiful estate „Blumenthal“ near Aichach by Mr H. Horack, who led us first to the small Catholic church, which is still used, though mainly by the Catholics living in […]

Erasmus: Schools meet University

Posts über unser Erasmus-Projekt erscheinen in Englischer Sprache – Übersetzung? | Posts about our Erasmus project appear in English – Translation? The third day started with a workshop on “Global Nutrition” with key-speaker Kevin Brown at the University of Augsburg. To start, the group played a world distribution game – not with the usual categories, but with the topic of meat consumption. Then they learned about some theses on the topic of climate and food security. The main emphasis was […]

Erasmus: Schools meet Politics

Posts über unser Erasmus-Projekt erscheinen in Englischer Sprache – Übersetzung? | Posts about our Erasmus project appear in English – Translation? On the second day the students met with the second mayor of Augsburg and the head of the Educational Department, Martina Wild, in Augsburg‘s city hall. Together we discussed topics such as migration, equal opportunities and gender equality. After all these political debates in the morning, our guests enjoyed a well deserved excursion to the idyllic Neuschwanstein Castle. But […]

Erasmus: Augsburg and water

Posts über unser Erasmus-Projekt erscheinen in Englischer Sprache – Übersetzung? | Posts about our Erasmus project appear in English – Translation? After a stimulating exchange about their mindmaps, the students were taken on a guided Augsburg city tour on the topic of water. Since 2019 Augsburg is Unesco World Heritage Site because of its Water Management System which is over 800 years old. It stands for the responsible way the Augsburg population deals with the precious commodity of water and […]

Erasmus: Mindmaps on global nutrition

Posts über unser Erasmus-Projekt erscheinen in Englischer Sprache – Übersetzung? | Posts about our Erasmus project appear in English – Translation? Right at the beginning of the first exchange week the pupils from Augsburg, Suceava and Rodez presented their mind maps on the topic of world nutrition to each other. The mind maps dealt with the production conditions of food, fair trade and respective eating habits. The results were debated and discussed: How is food produced and what resources are […]

Stadtradeln 2023: Auf die Räder, fertig, los!

Weltladen und Werkstatt treten auch 2023 wieder beim Stadtradeln an – und wir sind offen für alle, die Spaß am Drahtesel haben. Radeln Sie einfach mit! In Augsburg geht der Aktionszeitraum los am Samstag, 1. Juli 2023 und endet am Freitag, 21. Juli 2023. Mehr unter www.stadtradeln.de Im Wettbewerb mit anderen deutschen Städten helfen wir, Emissionen zu sparen und die „Fahrradstadt Augsburg“ sichtbar zu machen. Unser Team „Weltladen und Werkstatt Solidarische Welt“ freut sich auf weitere Pedalritter, Drahtesel-Dompteurinnen und Fahrradenthusiasten. […]