Erasmus: Workshop „Transborder Projects“

Posts über unser Erasmus-Projekt erscheinen in Englischer Sprache – Übersetzung? | Posts about our Erasmus project appear in English – Translation?

The European programmes “interreg NEXT ” support the economic and social development of border areas through joint actions in key areas such as evironment protection, public health, economic development, safety and security measures. These programmes include 184 regions from the Northern Periphery to the Mediterranean and from the Atlantic to the Black Sea Basin.

Transborder activities between Romania and Ukraine have existed since 2005. Since then about 300 projects have been financed with more than 200 Mill. € in the fields of Health, Education, Fight against Organized Crime and Culture. The intention is to build a bridge between the nations. Adriana Nicula described the special challenges coming with the war in Ukraine and the special role of Romania as a border and transit country. She showed us in impressive films how the help was organised and emphasized how the war made partners to friends.

She introduced us to a special guest Michael Lebid, a professor of the University of Odessa who had to flee the country with his family and has been working now for two years at the University Stefan cel Mare in Suceava. Prof. Lebid reminded us of the Bucovina as a transnational Unity. He explained how University Life in the Ukraine still exists mostly online and he emphasized how the people in Ukraine believe in a future, how they want to go on and how strongly they want to join the EU. He shared his vision of open borders and cooperation on all levels.

Larissa Dumitrescu from discussed with us the direct help they offer to the Ukrainian refugees in the Suceava Region and their Solidarity Programmes.

Ionut Epureanu, a police officer, showed us other aspects of the refugee crisis: missing IDs, Schlepper, Traffick, retraumatization by questioning. Nowadays there is still one refugee camp in the area in Radauz: looking for employment for the refugees is still difficult and now there are more Ukranian men fleeing because of the conscription.

Afterwards, we went into the city to visit the Alliance Francaise de Suceava.


All posts about the Erasmus project can be found here





erstellt am: 21.06.2024 von Julia Kabatas

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